Today is part of Mental Illness Awareness Week in the US and this is a special bonus episode.
The word “hypnosis” can bring up a variety of reactions. Maybe you have been to a stage show and remember participants making a complete fool of themselves. Or perhaps, you have heard that hypnosis is used for mind control.
There are certainly a lot of misconceptions about hypnosis and in today’s episode, we shed some light on what hypnosis is and what it is not.
Hypnosis can be used as an amazing holistic healing tool. During hypnosis, the deep state of relaxation that is experienced, can help support physical and mental wellbeing. It can also encourage positive changes and healing through the subconscious mind.
Barb Davies

Barb Davies is a clinical hypnotherapist, social worker, hypnosis instructor and coach. Having a lifelong attraction to entrepreneurship, she has several years of professional online marketing experience and she is a co-author of three best-selling books, with a fourth one in the works.
By combining her interest in neuroscience and psychology with her business experience and passion for personal development, hypnosis and meditation, Barb has developed her own thriving suite of brands. She is the owner of Barb Davies Hypnotherapy & Counselling, Healing Minds Academy and Amethyst Wellness Group.
Barb specializes in working with women to help them heal trauma, become the best version of themselves and to create a life they love, all by tapping into the power of their subconscious minds.
Barb lives with her partner Sam and his youngest son in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. Barb and Sam enjoy cooking together, traveling and attending sports, cultural and wine tasting events. Barb is also an avid reader and enjoys golfing and camping.
Barb's Resources
Use coupon code JORNI for $20 off the upcoming Introduction to Hypnosis course at Healing Minds Academy.
Mention this podcast for $25 off your first 1:1 online hypnotherapy or coaching session with Barb.
The Jōrni Resources for show notes for more holistic healing and mental health resources
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