The elements have been used in healing for millennia in healing traditions like Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. How else can the elements be incorporated in your healing journey?
In this episode of the Jōrni Podcast, we speak with Tonya Dee, a Holistic Sha Medium, who teaches us about Elemental Healing.
What does a Holistic Sha Medium do? Find out in this episode.
Tonya Dee

Tonya Dee is a Holistic "Sha-Medium," incorporating both the Shamanistic and the Medium aspects for practical intuition and psychic spiritual assistance. She has been in the intuitive healing realm for the majority of her life.
At the early age of 7, she had a Near Death Experience, and was in a coma for some time. When she came out of the coma, she found that her normal was no longer normal.
Tonya teaches people to see things differently, through the eyes of source, so that everyone can utilize their intuition and psychic abilities, and harness the innate skills they naturally embody.
Tonya's Resources
Special Coupon for Soliciting Solitude
The Jōrni Resources for show notes for more holistic healing and mental health resources
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